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Today paper documents play a huge role in our private and/or professional lives. It may be the age of the computer but although it was thought that the computer would decrease the amount of paper being used this was not the case. It is important to all businesses and agencies that sensitive information as well as private documentation is destroyed and this is where an office shredder is the obvious solution.

With a good quality paper shredder you can protect your privacy and know that no-one can steal your private information. As such it is vitally important to choose the shredder that will be right for you. Shredders are available at seven different levels, from basic paper shredders to ultra-high security shredders and depending on the size and style you require any of these will provide you with ease of use, safety and security. It is important to research what each model shredder can do for you so that you waste neither money or time or potentially cause a disaster because paperwork wasn’t destroyed. There are small, medium and large office shredders on the market as well as shredders rated as high security Class A and B.

Whichever is the model you choose, at Stationery R Us Express we are more than happy to provide help and information on the right shredder for your needs.

How do they work? The smaller shredders used in homes or offices either cut the paper into strips or confetti like squares. A shredder consists of a bin, the top of which is fitted with a lid where paper is fed into a slot. The bottom of the bin is used to catch the paper once shredded. Cross cut shredders use two sets of teeth, rotating in opposite directions, to get much smaller pieces. The strip cut shredder usually uses rotating knives to do the cutting. When the paper touches the slot in the lid a sensor activates the cutters. Another sensor checks that the machine head (top lid) of the shredder is in the right place before the shredder will start.

When it comes to protecting sensitive information there is nothing better we have found that can compete with a paper shredder. Check out our range on the website.

Perfect binding, often referred to as soft cover novel binding was invented in 1895 but wasn’t used for book binding until 1931, a publisher in Germany, used this method to make the first paperbacks. The first glues easily became brittle however once the hot melt adhesive was invented in the 1940s the process was greatly improved.

In the 1950s, binding combs began to be used as a method of binding papers. Binding combs and the binding machine became very popular for two reasons, one due to the fact that they are very easy to use, relatively inexpensive and the combs are available in a wide range of colours and sizes and two that the binding could be done in an office environment. The comb binding machine punches holes down one side of the pages of a document and then causes the comb to open. Once this has happened the previously punched papers can be inserted into the comb. The opener is then closed and the document is ready for presentation.

Specially made cards and covers are also available to dress your presentation folders. These are available in a range of colours and materials. A wide range of the covers and combs in many different sizes and colours are available on our website.